Building a Bird Island
So ya wanna help the birds do ya?
First we'll start with a materials list.
You'll need the following items to construct
one "Mitch's patent pending :) Bird Island."
DO NOT TRY TO CHANGE the recipe except perhaps
in your choice of anchor. PVC smaller than 1.5"
will not trap enough air to float much, unless
it's a 1' square platform for small birds.
Even nest weight will sink less than 1.5" PVC
on a 1' square platform. Plywood will not
work as a substitute for the eggcrate either.
The birds feces doesn't fall through it, it won't
wash off in the rain, and the increased resistance
during flood events will lose your platform.
Anything metal rusts.
Using smaller diameter PVC will
not float a nest, or Cormorant, etc.
Tiny Least Terns, fine, but they can only
hold two medium sized birds, whereas with
1.5" it can hold TWO Cormorants!
These two gulls have found the capacity
load limit on this one inch PVC.
The only possible change I would investigate is
using ABS (sewer line) instead of PVC. It's thinner
walled, lighter, and floats on its own so might be
better (and cheaper) than PVC. I build pressurized
systems so had lots of PVC laying around.
1) 1.5" diameter PVC pipe - sold in 10' lengths (<$3)
(Schedule 40 PVC)
4) 1.5" PVC elbows ($3)
1) can of PVC glue ($2)
1) can of PVC primer (do not skip this!) ($2)
1) 2' x 4' flourescent light eggcrate ($8)
4) 8"+ cable ties (attach eggcrate to frame) (50-cents)
1) 8 x 8 x 6 cinder block brick (anchor) (67-cents)
1) piece of 5/8" nylon rope - 20' or so ($1.50)
Note prices are in CA (very high usually), and
may have changed since this page was first written!
Materials and tools used ...
(note PVC is already cut to length)
Hand Hacksaw, or small electric jigsaw
(preferably both)
Tape measure
Felt-tip Marker (to mark PVC cut)
Dingy, Canoe, Raft, Kayak, Bass boat, etc.
(for deployment)
(Must be arranged through L.A. Rec & Parks, as
boating is not allowed on the lake.)
About $20 total cost for one 2' x 4' platform, though
when I built the first one the eggcrate was $4 not $8!
You can build two that are 2'x 2' (splitting the
eggcrate in half) for just one more 10' PVC piece
and 4 more elbows (two for $25). You'll have enough
glue and primer, and rope and cable ties left over
from buying minimums for the first one.
So, let's get started, eh!?! First you have to decide what
size you want it to be, in order to cut the 10' length
of PVC into proper lengths. I use the hand hacksaw for this.
NOTE: if you intend on building it to fit an uncut
piece of eggcrate, you'll need more than 10' of
PVC (two pieces). If you only have one 10' piece of
PVC you'll need to trim the eggcrate length down.
If you are building to fit uncut eggcrate (2' x 4')
cut two pieces 45.5", and two 21.5".
If you are building to use just one 10' piece of PVC,
cut two pieces at 38.5" and two at 21.5".
I use a felt-tip ("Sharpie") marker to put several marks
around the PVC pipe at the right measurement as a cutting guide.
Remember: Measure twice, cut once.
And, you can always cut a little more off, but it's
real hard to put some back on. Cut all four lengths first.
Then perhaps more crucial than the exact length, you
must get all the burrs, flash, or roughage, off the
cut ends of PVC pipe. Your ends must be clean like
the original when you bought it.
I put the end of one cut piece into the end of
another, and rotate them around each other, and
switch. This will remove most of your burr. You
can go over it with your fingers and clean it up
a little. But, MAKE SURE there are no burrs left.
They will cause leakage, and your platform will
sink when it fills with water.
Deburring cut pipe ends -
Rotate ends inside each other
You need a clean flat place to glue and assemble
the platform. But, NOT the dining room table!
Gather the four clean lengths of PVC, and the
four 90 degree elbows, plus the glue and primer.
You also need something like a dropcloth under the
work, or you'll get dust and dirt on your joints,
which may cause leakage. I hate when that happens!
The purple primer stains forever, so don't do it
on anything you don't want purple, and don't wear
that classic "Stones Tour 1975" T-shirt either.
I know there are other types and even other colors
of PVC primers out there, but I'm a purple primer man.
NEVER glue PVC without primer. The primer softens
up the PVC so glue works on it. Since we need an
airtight seal to float the platform, the gluing
operation is critical.
First we primer all the ends of all the pipe, and
the "insides" of all the elbows. I hold the pipe
over the open primer can at an angle so the excess
drips back into the can. The PVC pipe will go over
an inch into the elbow. It must be primered at least
this distance. I go 1.5" - 2" of primer. Paint the
primer all the way around the pipe, evenly, and
then do the same with the elbows. Paint all the
way into the "stop" (at the turn) inside the elbow,
and make sure the entire inside is painted purple.
Purple primer party ...
Note: Insides of elbows done, and
do it over the can to salvage drippage
First glue ** one elbow each ** on the ends of two of
the LONG pieces. DO NOT glue both elbows on one piece.
When gluing them, be liberal and sloppy with the glue.
Coat the PVC pipe thickly, and fill the elbow thickly
with glue covering the purple area ALL THE WAY AROUND,
inside the elbow and outside the pipe. Both pieces
to be glued must be thouroughly coated. When you
stick the pipe into the elbow you turn the pipe as
you push it in. I start with the lettering on the
pipe at top, and I turn the lettering on the PVC pipe
so it will face inside when I'm done, and not be
visible. This will be a quarter turn as you insert the
pipe in the elbow. The turning also insures a complete
seal smearing the glue everywhere. Glue should come
out the joint as you fully insert the pipe into elbow,
or you're not using enough. Hold the freshly glued
joint tight for a half-minute, and set down gently
and don't touch it for a couple minutes, giving
the glue a chance to set. Do not move or adjust
elbow or pipe once you've "set" pipe to bottom of elbow.
Twisting and seating the PVC into an elbow
Now lay the two long pieces (with one elbow each
on one end) so the elbows are facing each other on
a flat surface. Take a short piece (already primered)
and glue it into the elbow on one of the long
pieces. Give it a couple of minutes to set before moving
it. Always let a freshly glued joint sit a few minutes
before putting pressure, force or stress on it.
You can glue one elbow to one end of the other
(loose) short piece while you're waiting. Remember to
turn the lettering so it's facing the inside or down
as you glue. Never glue two elbows on one piece
at once unless it's on a flat surface, making sure
your elbows are the exact same angle, or your
frame will be too twisted to assemble.
Now glue the other end of the partly assembled short
piece (which is glued into one end of a long piece)
into the elbow on the other long piece. Remember
goopy, lots of glue, LOTS! Let this set a couple
minutes. You now should have the two long pieces
connected with one short piece, and.... oh yeah,
and a purple spotted shirt and matching shoes.
Assuming you glued an elbow onto one end of the
other short piece whilst waiting, now glue that
short piece with elbow onto one end of one of
the long pieces. MAKE SURE as you twist it on,
that you end up with it "flat" (why to do it on a
table) in the proper place for the final joint or elbow
to be connected. Let this sit several minutes,
because you WILL stress the joint putting the
last elbow on.
You will have to kinda wrestle with the elbow
and the last two pipe ends to get this last
elbow on. First glue it all real good, and put
the elbow on one end, lining it up properly
to receive the other pipe end as you do so.
Quickly get the final pipe end into the elbow
and hold it all for a minute. The pipe often
tries to back out of this last elbow joint
while it's still wet. Hold for a minute, and
it should stay. If you let go right away, it
will pop out, you've broken the seal, and it
might be a leaker.
NOTE: An alternate method is to glue two elbows
on the final short piece (must be done on a flat
surface to be sure they are exactly aligned.
Then glue this unit as a whole onto the two
long piece ends at once.
Once you've assembled the frame (our float)
let the whole thing set for 5-10 minutes so
the glue can set well. I have tried going over
the outside of the elbow joints with glue
just to be sure its all well sealed.
If you're using the "one 10' PVC" method, you
can cut the eggcrate down to proper length
while you wait. I use the electric jigsaw for
this. The key is to keep the blade up against
the piece you are cutting along. This so you
don't have a bunch of stubs sticking out that
could poke, or get hung up on something.
Go slow, don't push, let the blade do the work.
I think the cut is at 40.5" inches. That is
you are cutting off 7" of the eggcrate length.
Cutting eggcrate - keep blade against
piece you're using (left side here)
We are about ready to put the eggcrate onto the
floating frame (presuming you glued properly
it floats). The important thing is that the
eggcrate sit high on top of the PVC, not
under it, so with the weight of a couple birds
it still stays out of the water.
I lay the eggcrate on top of the frame, and
LOOSELY attach a cable tie about midway on
each side. Do not tighten them all the way down
on first try. You'll pull the eggcrate over
to that side, and then it won't ride on top
on the other side. Once the cable ties are all
in place I snug them up like lug nuts on a wheel,
a little at a time on each one, to keep the
eggcrate placement proper: high and centered.
Snip excess cable tie ends
WOW! Looks cool, eh!?!
When fresh and still "wet" take care that you
do not drop, or bang it hard or you may crack
one of your glue seals. I also think it better
to let the whole thing sit at least a day (24 hrs.)
before putting it in water.
The length of rope you need will be determined
by the depth of the pond or lake. I'd add at least
10' over the depth to the bottom for flooding.
This varies with area, and you should be able
to "guestimate" how deep the area gets in floods.
If it's a 10' lake, use 20' of rope, unless you
know it not to be prone to flood level increases.
Thread the rope around the PVC at one of the
corners, and NOT through the eggcrate. Give at
least one, but better two full wraps of rope
around the PVC elbow at the corner, then tie
your favorite knot.
Finished view from underside
Note rope tied around elbow at corner
I don't attach the brick, er, anchor, until
I'm on site, since carrying bricks is easier
without anything clumsy attached to them,
especially when boarding a boat I don't want
a hole in the bottom of.
Now all there is left to do is the fun part:
deployment and installation.
Load your brick, and platform (which already
has rope tied to it) into the boat. Where you
place it depends on whether you are trying for
roosting usage, or nesting. Nest sites are usually
in the vegetation, so your platform might not
be visible if you choose this usage.
I usually toss the platform into the water,
with rope wrapped around my hand so as not to
lose it (or to recover it if it sinks!). Then
tie the loose end of the rope to my anchor.
Remember it will be holding a lot of weight
as you lower the brick so make a good
knot. Plus when its getting tugged during a
flood event, it will be under force.
So, lower the brick slowly, and when you hit
bottom, you're done!
I prefer making 1' square platforms for nest sites,
and placing them just inside the edges of the
aquatic vegetation where they can be hidden
from predators. Larger platforms are better for
roosting. Two Double-crested Cormorants can
roost and dry their wings on a 2' x 4' unit.
One variation I would like to try is with the
ABS (non-pressurized sewer line). It is
cheaper to buy a bigger diameter piece, which
would float more weight. I would silicone a
piece of nylon widow screen onto the eggcrate,
and then cover it with sand or gravel. Some
species might accept this as a nest site,
that are turned off by the eggcrate.
Now all that's left to do is watch and record
what uses it, and how. I can't express the
thrill of seeing birds USING your perch or roost!
I tried threading floating vegetation through the
eggcrate to sort of conceal the platform, but
the ducks ate it all away quickly.
Note if building 1' square platforms....
the elbows add 1" per elbow, so cut the PVC
in 10" maximum (- 9.75 might actually work better)
lengths for a 12" piece of eggcrate
to sit high and centered on top. You can
make EIGHT of them from one piece of eggcrate,
and parts for TWO out of every 10' piece of PVC.
Another note: If you glue two elbows on one piece
and they are not aligned exactly right, you can cut
the piece they are on and rejoin them with a sleeve
connector piece to get the angle right on the
end elbows when you put your two half pipes
back together, humpty dumpty.
Don't ask how I know! :):)