From here you will be able to explore
various aspects of the birdlife at KMHRP.
Just click on one of the links below to
go to the page(s) covering that subject.
Check out the CBC (Christmas Bird Count)
data and breeding territory plot map below.
The nest plot map shows the intensity of
bird breeding at KMHRP. The CBC totals
shows the sites' winter species diversity
on a single day "snapshot" over the years.
117 species were found in a half day,
by 5 guys, Dec. '94! And some species
known present eluded detection that day!
Surely on its best days, 125 species
have been present at once at KMHRP!
A claim few 250 acre (approx.) patches can make!
(Excerpt from "The Birds of KMHRP" booklet)
Here are bird nests or territories in and
around Machado Lake in tule habitats,
during the summer of 2000.
Park Bird List (Digital Version)
Bird List Key
Bird Photos
Learn more about the booklet here!