Assorted Unsorted
Here is an assortment of some unsorted
pictures, but the scans are done,
so what the heck, lets have a look see ...
(There are a few "bugs" after the birds.)
We start off with a series of photos
of a Western Gull nest on the AquaMog on
the lake ... the birds were nest building
in May of 2003 and eggs were photographed
on June 19th in the nest.
By July, the nest had failed, apparently
due to predation. There was no trace of
the eggs ... seems most likely it was crows.
The nest is at above and left of the paddle wheel
Western Gull incubating eggs on nest (upper right)
Great view, eh!?!
A Tree Swallow was seen carrying nesting materials
(May 2003) into one of the nest boxes which
was installed the year before and
spending lots of time inside ...
... this was the first local attempt of nesting known in 50 years!
Tree Swallow peering out of nest box
Nesting Tree Swallow
Belted Kingfisher
Greater Yellowlegs & Cinnamon Teal
Barn Swallows
Northern Rough-winged Swallows
Snags are a critical component to habitats.
Modern city man thinks any and every snag
should be removed. When doing so we also
remove the birdlife dependent on them.
Downy Woodpecker nest snag
Five holes visible here, and more broke off the top!
This ONE snag has been used for about 10 years
(most recent hole at bottom) and probably
produced 20 baby Downy Woodpeckers, SO FAR!
Loggerhead Shrike
Water is a critical resource for birds!
A goldfinch drops in (top) as a
House Finch (red, in center) leaves.
A Cedar Waxwing (crest, black mask) bathes
with American Goldfinches.
American Goldfinch - male
Mourning Dove
Marsh Wren (mostly marsh)
Black Skimmer (not taken at KMHRP)
These relatives to Terns have been seen
at KMHRP, including in July and August '03
Here are a couple of "bug" pictures ...
Pepsis Wasp on Anise
The local ones are consistently much smaller
and we know they aren't eating Tarantulas
because they aren't found here, so What's up?
A "dwarf" palosverdesi cryptic (sub?) species?
Golden Orb Weaver -
note remains of Queen (Butterfly) below
Golden Orb Weaver a little closer
Peach or Fig Beetle (Scarab)
Crayfish, Crawdad, Mud Bug, principal prey of KMHRP Pied-billed Grebe
Beechei Ground Squirrel
Photo by Jess Morton